To use this list: each name is a link to that legislator's website, where you will find contact information.

Some sites have email addresses published, others simply have a form to fill out that will send an email.

Some have telephone numbers. If there are several numbers, the one you want is probably for the "Legislative Aide".

Transportation Committee
District Legislator's NameDistrict Legislator's Name
Senate Chair:House Chair:
S12Cohen, Christine096Lemar, Roland J.
Senate Vice Chair:House Vice Chair:
S06Lopes, Rick111Berger-Girvalo, Aimee
Ranking Members:
S28Hwang, Tony119Kennedy, Kathy
S17Cabrera, JorgeS36Fazio, Ryan
S23Gaston, HerronS31Martin, Henri
S33Needleman, NormanS19Osten, Catherine A.
147Blumenthal, Matt070Bronko, Seth
023Carney, Devin R.138Chaleski, Rachel
004Concepcion, Julio A.040Conley, Christine
120Dancho, Laura048DeCaprio, Mark
042Denning, Keith020Farrar, Kate
149Khanna, Rachel131Labriola, David K.
133McCarthy Vahey, Cristin141Marra, Tracy
146Michel, David028Morrin Bello, Amy
125O'Dea, Tom075Reyes, Geraldo C.
128Rosario, Christopher140Simms, Travis
118Smith, Frank136Steinberg, Jonathan
027Turco, Gary A.061Zawistowski, Tami
End of Transportation Committee
Other Senators
S03Anwar, SaudS32Berthel, Eric C.
S34Cicarella, Paul S25Duff, Bob
S29Flexer, MaeS01Fonfara, John W.
S35Gordon, JeffS30Harding, Stephen
S15Hartley, Joan V.S13Hochadel, Jan
S21Kelly, Kevin C.S07Kissel, John A.
S24Kushner, JulieS09Lesser, Matthew L.
S11Looney, Martin M.S26Maher, Ceci
S14Maroney, James J.S20Marx, Martha
S02McCrory, DouglasS27Miller, Patricia Billie
S22Moore, Marilyn V.S04Rahman, MD
S16Sampson, RobS08Seminara, Lisa
S05Slap, DerekS18Somers, Heather B.
S10Winfield, Gary A.  
Other Representatives
008Ackert, Tim002Allie-Brennan, Raghib
062Anderson, Mark035Aniskovich, Chris
058Arnone, Tom151Arzeno, Hector
124Baker, Andre F.031Barry, Jill
106Bolinsky, Mitch115Borer, Dorinda
050Boyd, Patrick S.056Brown, Kevin
127Brown, Marcus067Buckbee, Bill
041Bumgardner, Aundre072Butler, Larry B.
108Callahan, Patrick E.095Candelaria, Juan R.
086Candelora, Vincent J.032Carpino, Christie M.
063Case, Jay M.033Chafee, Brandon
037Cheeseman, Holly H.102Comey, Robin E.
065Cook, Michelle L.022Cooley, Francis
011Currey, Jeff091D'Agostino, Michael
142Dathan, Lucy044Dauphinais, Anne
144Delany, Hubert D.014Delnicki, Tom
021Demicco, Mike074DiGiovancarlo, Michael
092Dillon, Patricia A.013Doucette, Jason
047Dubitsky, Doug088Elliott, Josh
019Exum, Tammy R.083Fazzino, Jonathan
130Felipe, Antonio117Ferraro, Charles J.
090Fishbein, Craig C.107Foncello, Marty
079Fortier, Mary057Foster, Jaime S.
060Garibay, Jane M.126Gee, Fred
010Genga, Henry J.015Gibson, Bobby G.
018Gilchrest, Jillian110Godfrey, Bob
003Gonzalez, Minnie121Gresko, Joseph P.
054Haddad, Gregory034Haines, Irene M.
059Hall, Carol007Hall, Joshua M.
069Harrison, Cindy051Hayes, Rick L.
064Horn, Maria P.043Howard, Greg S.
078Hoxha, Joe135Hughes, Anne
143Johnson, Dominique049Johnson, Susan M.
017Kavros DeGraw, Eleni134Keitt, Sarah
005Khan, Maryam105Klarides-Ditria, Nicole
045Lanoue, Brian132Leeper, Jennifer
103Linehan, Liz012Luxenberg, Geoff
080Mastrofrancesco, Gale L.038McCarty, Kathleen M.
116McGee, Trenee122McGorty, Ben
150Meskers, Stephen R085Mushinsky, Mary M.
073Napoli, Ronald A.039Nolan, Anthony L.
053Nuccio, Tammy016Osborne, Melissa
036Palm, Christine097Paolillo, Alphonse
145Paris, Corey P.101Parker, John-Michael
077Pavalock-D'Amato, Cara Christine113Perillo, Jason
076Piscopo, John E.071Pizzuto, William
068Polletta, Joe094Porter, Robyn A.
081Poulos, Christopher082Quinn, Michael D
098Rader, Moira066Reddington-Hughes, Karen
001Ritter, Matthew137Roberts, Kadeem
104Rochelle, Kara009Rojas, Jason
123Rutigliano, David139Ryan, Kevin
024Sanchez, Emmanuel025Sanchez, Robert
084Santiago, Hilda E.
109Santos, Farley112Scott, Tony J
129Stafstrom, Steven J.026Tercyak, Peter A.
052Vail, Kurt030Veach, Donna
093Walker, Toni E.055Weir, Steve
114Welander, Mary100Williams, Quentin
046Wilson, Derell029Wood, Kerry Szeps
087Yaccarino, Dave W.099Zullo, Joseph H.
089Zupkus, Lezlye  
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