CMRA Membership

Connecticut Motorcycle Riders Association

P. O. Box 186, Terryville, CT 06786

Allow four to six weeks for processing and delivery.

$12.00 of annual Dues pays for your Newsletter subscription.

The Connecticut Motorcycle Riders Association (CMRA) is a grass-roots advocacy group which is membership based and recognized as a not-for-profit corporation. Our primary purpose is to protect and advance the interests of motorcyclists. Our agenda includes improving motorcycle safety through education, motorist awareness, the defeat or repeal of all motorcycle related legislation that is unjustifiably restrictive, and improving the public's perception of motorcycling. We employ a full time professional lobbyist. All CMRA Officers, Trustees and workers are volunteers. We publish a newsletter and offer a Dealer Discount program to our members.

Please read our Privacy Policy.

If you are, or have ever previously been, a member of the CMRA:

I would like to renew my current annual membership for $40.00.

I would like to change my current membership information (change of address, change of email, etc.).

If you have never been a CMRA member, and would like to join the CMRA:

I would like to join the CMRA as an annual member for $40.00.

If you are not ready to buy your CMRA membership online:

I prefer to download, print and mail in a CMRA Membership application.

I would like more information about CMRA Membership.

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